Why outsourcing is losing regular jobs

Due to recession of 2009 many companies got huge loss in their revenues. This impact whole the world either it is IT related company or any other working company. The high wage and expenses for the normal man in U.S has made the bigger to smaller companies in U.S to think about how they decrease their expenses. So these companies decided to give some of their work to [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:03:33+00:00March 31, 2012|Freelancing|1 Comment

Why blackberry is going in loss

As you already know that blackberry has announced a loss of 125 million in 2012. There are many factors behind this loss. The most important factor is that users of mobiles are now more interested to use large screen touch phones. Blackberry is coming with same design in mind from its start when they release their first handset. They are not interested to make evolvement in their sets [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:03:34+00:00March 31, 2012|Mobiles|0 Comments

What are advantages and disadvantages of siri in iphone

Siri is the technology by which the user of iphone can send commands to iphone via voice and iphone can translate that voice command and act like-vice. The feature of voice commands in iphone was built in earler sets also but the full power was introduced in siri. As Apple said that the power of siri cannot be achieved in older models of iphone. So it is available [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:03:34+00:00March 27, 2012|ipad and iphone|0 Comments

Which company mobile camera is good

I have used many mobile phones and I have good experience with mobile cameras. Before coming to the main part of this topic let me tell you one thing. When first mobile generation comes into existence then manual cameras were used and the sale of normal cameras was high. Now when the new models of mobiles come, more competition between the mobile companies is introduced. All the mobile [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:03:34+00:00March 17, 2012|Mobiles|0 Comments

Why to quit your job

There are many ups and downs in your life. All the people do the job for their livings. But there comes some time moments when the person wants to quit his regular job. Here are some of the reasons why to quit your regular job:- You are not getting the respect as you deserve for your work. Your colleagues making fun of you. You’re learning stops at some [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:03:35+00:00March 14, 2012|computers|0 Comments

Tips to get a job

As you know these are the days of recession. The competition to get a new job is increasing day by day. I am in the field of IT so I can tell you how to get an IT job. But the steps and tips to get other jobs may look same. Follow the following steps to get your new job:- Read the interview question on the [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:03:35+00:00March 14, 2012|computers|0 Comments

Difference between emulators and simulators

Emulator behaves as the original device that is referring in point of view of hardware and software. Simulator behaves as the original device in point of view of software. Emulators fully copy the features of original device while simulators tend to copy the features in point of view of software. You can say that the simulator uses different processes to achieve same results. Let take the [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:03:36+00:00March 14, 2012|computers|0 Comments
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