What is sequential access with example

We store any type of data in computer in files. Whether it is image, presentation, excel or any other form of data, it is stored in the form of files. There are two main methods of accessing the files from the computer. One method is known as sequential access and other is known as random access. Today I am going to discuss about sequential access. Sequential access is [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:07+00:00October 27, 2018|computers|0 Comments

Difference between interactive and passive computer graphics

Pictures give us in depth details of what we are thinking. Good or bad picture change our mind. When we are reading some texts then we often see images that give more details of what we are reading. Sometimes images explain us more than written texts. We read newspapers and images in newspaper tells us what the story is. In information technology, we use different types of graphics [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:08+00:00October 22, 2018|computers|0 Comments

What is spawning meaning in computer

Spawning meaning in the computer: The process of creating a child process and executing the child process is known as spawning. In Linux spawning is also known as forking and executing (exec). In windows, the process of forking and executing is not present but windows have the same process known as spawning. Spawning in windows Spawning is seen in many computer games also. For example in video games, [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:08+00:00October 16, 2018|computers|0 Comments

What are types of computer memory

What is computer memory Computer memory is a physical device on which data is stored temporarily or permanently. All the images, videos, documents that we open in our computer is stored in memory and then processed by the CPU (central processing unit). Data on the computer is stored in 0 or 1 form. There are some terms used in a computer that are related to memory. Bit: The [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:09+00:00October 12, 2018|computers|0 Comments

Examples and types of microservices

Why use microservices: Companies develop their websites with two methods. One method is by creating one database and one code base is known as monolithic architecture. In monolithic architecture, if you update any code then you have to redeploy whole application i.e. test code of whole application if it is working fine. There is one more method to make application and that is microservices architecture. In microservices, your [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:09+00:00October 8, 2018|computers|0 Comments

Advantages and disadvantages of microservices

What is microservices A microservice is component of website/software which has its own database and is managed separately. Let’s take an example of Amazon website. Amazon has many features on its site i.e. searching products, cart, sponsored products, listing products and many more. Now all these features are coded into separate components. Searching products is a separate component and has its own database and code set. Similarly all [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:10+00:00October 7, 2018|computers|0 Comments

Advantages and disadvantages of service oriented architecture (SOA)

What is Service oriented architecture (SOA) An architecture in which one client gets different services from third-party without reinventing it is known as SOA. For example, a person wants to build a website. A website needs a payment gateway, products shipment service, and web hosting. So that person will integrate any payment gateway like PayPal, and use any 3rd party shipment services and gets hosting from some company. [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:10+00:00October 1, 2018|computers|0 Comments

Application of simulation with example

Scientists and engineers make models of anything they want to test. The process of doing experiments on models is known as simulation. Simulation is the term used for more than a century now. In World War 2, simulation of the atomic bomb was done and its power and effects were calculated. In automobile business simulation is also used. Now cars have very advanced technology built into it e.g. [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:11+00:00September 27, 2018|computers|0 Comments

Advantages and disadvantages of simulation

What is a simulation? The process of testing something through model is known as simulation. For example, to test an airplane we have to make a small model of it and test its drive. The purpose of the simulation is to predict the results of something. Suppose a bank wants to test how many customers can be handled in a day. To test this, the bank will get [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:11+00:00September 27, 2018|computers|0 Comments

Advantages and disadvantages of sound and speech in computer

There has been a lot of development going on in sound and speech in the computer world. Now you cannot judge about the voice of human and voice of the computer. Both voices look the same. Many fake people are mixing voice of others in original video or audio and making its own. Now it is possible that you can generate the voice of any human through the [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:12+00:00September 21, 2018|computers|0 Comments
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