Operating system missing – Solved

Sometimes you get an error "Operating system missing" while working on your computer. Today I will show you how to solve this issue. I am using windows 10 but you can have any windows operating system and this solution works with all windows machines. Reasons for 'Operating system missing' error Your hard drive is not detected by BIOS Hard drive may be damaged BIOS settings problem Master Boot [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:22+00:00December 1, 2017|computers|0 Comments

Difference between serial and parallel processing

What is serial processing A processing in which one task is completed at a time and all the tasks are run by the processor in a sequence. In real time example, people standing in a queue and waiting for a railway ticket. In this case, one person can get a ticket at a time. Suppose there are two queues of people and one cashier is handling both the [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:22+00:00November 30, 2017|computers|0 Comments

Difference between centralized, decentralized and distributed processing

In an organization, computers are connected to each other which make a network. In the network, various tasks are completed by different computers and data is shared among computers. Every computer is controlled by different methods and different ways of processing are done on the network. On the network, some computers have high processing power as compared to others. Centralized vs decentralized vs distributed processing In centralized processing, [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:23+00:00November 23, 2017|computers|0 Comments

Advantages and disadvantages of interactive system

Interactive systems are computers which accept input from humans. Human send commands or data to computers by typing or by any gestures. Examples are MS word or spreadsheet. An operating system which supports interactive behavior is known as interactive operating systems. Examples of interactive operating systems are Mac and Windows operating system. Interactive operating systems can also get input from the graphical interface. To know more about graphical [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:23+00:00November 22, 2017|computers|0 Comments

Differentiate between assembler, compiler and interpreter

In computers, the source code or program is translated into machine code by different methods. Machine code is also known as object code. Assembler Assembler converts source code written in assembly language into machine code and then that machine code is executed by a computer. Compiler vs interpreter vs assembler Compiler A compiler converts high-level language program code into machine language and then execute it. High-level [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:24+00:00November 21, 2017|computers|0 Comments

Sequential access vs direct access vs random access in operating system

Data is stored in the computer in many forms. One way of storing data in computers is in magnetic tapes also known as magnetic drives or hard drives. In hard drives data is kept for long period of time. We can store files, movies, songs, databases in hard drives which we need on daily basis. Some type of data that we don’t need is erased from the computer [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:24+00:00November 20, 2017|computers|0 Comments

Advantages and disadvantages of management information system (MIS)

Management information system consists of three words. Management: We can manage data Information: Get information from raw data System: Computer/hardware system used to process all data So it is clear now that a large amount of data is collected by some company and then convert to precise information that summarizes future planning of the company. Advantages disadvantages of MIS Let us take an example of car manufacturing company. [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:25+00:00November 16, 2017|computers|0 Comments

Deadlock avoidance in operating system

Deadlock is a state in which a process is waiting for the resource that is already used by another process and that another process is waiting for another resource. There are some techniques used to avoid deadlocks. There are two states involved in it. Safe state Unsafe state Safe state is that in which we run processes in sequence. In that case, all processes requesting resource will be [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:25+00:00November 15, 2017|computers|0 Comments

What are differences between GUI and CLI

First of all, we have to know what is an interface. An interface is a connection between user and computer. Like a screen is an interface between us and computer. As we understand interface we can now move on to explaining what actually is GUI and CLI. GUI stands for the Graphical user interface is an interface in which keyboard, mouse, I/O devices are used to perform actions. [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:26+00:00November 15, 2017|computer beginners|0 Comments

Advantages and disadvantages of graphical user interface

Graphical user interface plays an important role in computing. Whether it is a mobile app or any electronic or mechanical device we use, we see GUI (Graphical User Interface) all over in our daily life. Like in our cars we see LCD screens, TV, AC controllers etc. If you use operating system then you may get alert window opens up on any error or for notification which is [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:26+00:00November 14, 2017|computer beginners|0 Comments
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