Why to use html5 in development of website

1 min

The development of html5 starts few years ago and it is still in the process of development now. All the browsers have different support for html5. Older versions of internet explorer do not support html5. There are different elements defined in html5 for each task e.g. <header>, <section>, <nav>, <footer> and more. You can also use div’s for all the coding as we do in html4 but using relevant tags help you managing the code easily.

why I use html5
why I use html5

Css3 works very well with html5 and it has many advanced features that can change the properties of any tag easily. You have to use some css techniques so that all the tags of html5 work fine in all the popular browsers. Most of clients ask that they want to develop their website in html5. So if you are not good at html5 then you may loss that project. If you want to keep up to date in the market then you have to learn about html5. Adobe flash player has no more maintenance from Adobe Company for mobile devices. So for playing videos html5 video tag is used for all the mobile websites which shows the importance of html5.

If you have heard about wordpress then I want to tell you that almost all the new themes are now developing in html5. So if you want to work in wordpress and edit wordpress themes or if you want to develop your own themes then go for html5 and learn it from your heart. Some people think that html5 may or may not be search engine friendly as it is in development phase. But I can tell you that most of the famous websites are now running in html5 coding behind them.  I have seen many sites on net which teach html5 in very good way.  Also watch html5 video tutorials from youtube and make your skill set at the level that you can develop the websites easily in html5.

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Junaid Rehman

I am a blogger and freelance web developer by profession. I love to blog and learn new things about programming and IT World.